Who We Are
Sure Start is the Government’s programme to deliver the best start in life for every child by bringing together early education, childcare, health and family support.
Mourne Sure Start has been operational in the Kilkeel area since March 2011 and expanded to Annalong in April 2021 providing services to children aged 0 -4 years and their families.
We aim to work with parents to promote the physical, intellectual and social development of babies and young children so that they can flourish at home and when they get to school.
Services are available for expectant parents and families with children aged 0-4 years, are offered both in your own home and in group based settings and are free and confidential.

Our aims:
- Improve the ability to learn
by encouraging stimulating play, improving language skills, and the early identification and support of children with learning difficulties. - Improve health and well-being
by supporting parents in caring for children and promoting children’s health and development - Improve social development
by supporting the development of early relationships between parents and children, good parenting skills, family functioning and early identification and support of children with emotional, learning and behavioural difficulties. - Strengthen families and communities
by working in partnership with community organisations and statutory bodies we can empower parents and carers to give their children and family the best start.
Meet the Mourne Sure Start Team
Our Family Support Worker is here to provide support to Sure Start families who may require additional help within the family home. The Family Support service is a confidential service, designed to assist families through difficult periods in their lives and provides help around broad based areas of need such as:
Home care Management – for example, budgeting, finance management, cooking and nutrition, daily and weekly routines, health and safety and hygiene advice.
Behaviour Management – for example, child development, routines and rewards.
Emotional Support – for example, a listening ear, signposting to groups, activities and other agencies.
As a parent/carer you have the most important role to play in ensuring that your child gets the most of play and our Play Development Worker is here to help you with this mission, using play activities to help children to develop socially and emotionally.
The role of the Health Visitor is to offer support, advice and assistance to you and your child with the aim of promoting good health and well being for you both.
Our Speech & Language Therapist is here to help develop children’s language and communication skills.
Our Sensory Room worker works one to one with families to provide a safe sensory experience to support your child’s overall development.
The role of the Midwife is to offer support, advice and assistance throughout your pregnancy and the early postnatal period.
Consists of three members of staff who deliver the Developmental Programme for 2-3 year olds.
Home Start offers free support, friendship and practical help to families with at least one child under five.
Our volunteers and Bank Staff are here to support our team in delivering programmes to our families.