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Parenting Programmes

Incredible Years Toddlers

Parents / Carers of children aged 1 – 3 years.
The Incredible Years Toddler parenting programme is designed to strengthen parenting skills and promote social, emotional, physical and academic development for your children. The programme aims to promote positive and nurturing parenting skills and for parents to support each other.
Some of the topics covered are:

  • Child-directed Play
  • Coaching Language Skills
  • Social & Emotional Coaching
  • Praise & Encouragement
  • Spontaneous Incentives
  • Separations and Reunions
  • Effective Limit Setting
  • Handling Misbehaviour

The programme runs for 12 weeks of 2 hourly sessions with creche provided. We always have lovely refreshments, a good laugh, gain support from others and we go away each week with a positive attitude for the week ahead.

Walking Group

Are you interested in increasing your daily steps and fitness and getting out in the fresh air to benefit your mental health? The walking group may just be what your body needs.
Walking has many health benefits and is so much easier when you have likeminded people doing it with you. Several times over the year we run a block of guided walks with a trained Walk Leader who will motivate and encourage you.
The walking group is suitable for all abilities and you can work at your own pace with your children with you. So come on put on your comfortable shoes and join our walking group. The walking group session will last 1 hour and will run around 5 weeks.

Coffee Morning

Come along to get to know more about Mourne Sure Start. At our coffee mornings you are able to see everything Sure Start has to offer while having a cup of coffee/tea and a nice treat while doing so. You will hear about and be able to sign up to our new programs for that quarter. We will also have some of our key Sure Start workers present to tell you about the support they offer throughout the service. We may have our Speech and language therapist, our midwife, our family support workers and our Play Development Workers. Also bring your children along to enjoy some tasters of what we offer in our groups, for example some sensory play, physical play or even some messy play. Our coffee mornings are fun filled sessions run to help you find out more and to meet other families in the area. The coffee morning will be open to everyone to attend and if you are not in our designated postcode areas we can refer you onto another service, some come along and find out more information!

Mums’ night in

Our Mums Night In gives mums a chance to socialise with other mums in an adult only environment. Each Mums Night In will provide a different experience such as Christmas Wreath Making, Mental Health Awareness, Paint and Relax and many more. These evenings usually last from 6.30pm-8pm and allow parents to focus on themselves for one evening and enjoy good laughs and good conversation.