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Developmental programme for 2-3 year olds

Throughout the programme there is an emphasis on parent and staff working in partnership to achieve the best outcome for children

The programme for Two year Olds is a home-from-home setting which focuses on free play led by the children’s interests and needs rather than a structured focus on topics. The emphasis of the programme is on play and creativity with a focus on the following areas of development:

  • Physical
  • Social, Personal & Emotional
  • Cognitive
  • Language

The Programme aims to:

  • Enhance children’s language skills before starting their pre-school year
  • Help children attending the programme to settle in quickly to their preschool setting
  • Increase the social and emotional skills of children to enable their interactions with
    peers and adults
  • Improve children’s concentration and attention span
  • Increase children’s self-help skills
  • Increase children’s levels of physical exercise and development
  • Enable children to make friends and have FUN

Time in the Programme

By attending one of our Programmes children will have the opportunity to socialise and learn collaboratively with other children, have many new play experiences, explore new materials and have multiple opportunities to enhance their speech, language and communication skills.

We focus on developing children’s personal, social and emotional development and communication skills by encouraging imagination through positive learning experiences we aim to support children in the preparation to their Pre-school/Nursery school setting.

Home Visits

Staff will visit each child in their own home setting once per term, usually September, February and June. By meeting you and your child in their own home environment we will get to know your child better and have the opportunity to talk to parents about their child’s time in the setting.

The developmental Programme for 2–3-year-olds provides age, stage appropriate play opportunities within an environment that is physically safe, cognitively challenging and emotionally nurturing for children.

We recognise the importance of uninterrupted play for children along with the freedom to explore and interact with other children.

We focus on developing children’s personal, social and emotional development and communication skills by encouraging imagination through positive learning experiences we aim to support children in the preparation to their Pre-school/Nursery school setting.


Stay and Plays

Our monthly Stay and Plays are great opportunities to come together with our parents and children to learn and get to know each other better through focused topics of interest. You are the most important person in your child’s life and by linking and listening closely to you we will be able to support your child better.

These session provide parents and children with an opportunity to have uninterrupted time together in the setting were child led play activities are provided parents can take away ideas from these session which can be introduced in the home environment.